nelle pagine dell'archivio si ritrova la storia di Italian Journal of Psychology and Internet - Psicologia Online
ma anche la storia della psicologia italiana e mondiale in rete
dal 1996 al 2000
(i link alle pagine web o alle immagini possono risultare datati e dunque errati)
Voici bien longtemps que des révolutions se sont déroulées dans notre univers virtuel: Les dernières sont bien loin derrière nous, que ce soit la voix ou Windlight. Depuis, à par des mises à jour de stabilité, des habillages -inutiles- de l’interface et de multiples annonces ( je ne parle même pas des luttes intestines au sein de l’équipe de direction), il faut bien avouer que les Lindens n’ont pas révolutionné ni le fond , ni la forme de Second Life… Malgré la volonté hysterique de Torley Linden à nous démontrer que tout est formidable et sans cesse nouveau, nous devons tous avouer que rien n’a vraiment été transcendant depuis un certain temps.
Voici qu’au hasard de mes pérégrinations du net, je tombe sur un article de Lady Gwyneth, mon appétit de nouveauté fut soudain de nouveau à l’affût.
Loin des considérations trop “économiquement économiques” de la nouvelle équipe des Lindens (dixit les nouveaux tarifs honteux des sims…), certains travaillent comme aux premiers jours à nous émerveiller.
Une des premières pistes, qui date de quelque temps, est le fruit du travail d’une personne nommée Kristenlee Cinquetti: Celle ci avait décidé de surseoir au manque d’imagination des Lindens en construisant elle même un client, viewer, bref de quoi voir Second Life mais avec les aménagements qui lui faisaient cruellement défaut dans le modèle d’interface que proposait la réalité d’un monde commercial. Ce fut un travail de fou et elle a failli abandonner. Aujourd’hui, elle propose une interface bien plus complète, j’y reviendrai plus tard…
Bref, tout cela pour dire qu’aujourd’hui une branche parallèle des Lindens propose un “open” project pour qu’enfin les idées puissent se confronter: Snowglobe.
Ici, point de résultats, juste une planche de travail pour aller plus loin que le modèle commercial proposé, un brainstorming pour que toujours Second Life soit d’actualité.
Snowglobe ( du nom de la petite boule que l’on retourne pour voir tomber la neige), a tout d’abord proposé de permettre aux résidents de pouvoir avoir une “map” plus réactive… Torley semblait si heureux, et nous nous étions si… bof…
Better, faster, more zoomable World Map & Mini-Map in Snowglobe Viewer from Torley on Vimeo.
Et puis voila que les choses se précipitent: Le nouveau viewer, l’expérimental, Snowglobe, permettrait d’avoir enfin des ombres dynamiques, que les textures soient plus rapides à télécharger …
En tant que machinimer, et pour tous, les ombres dynamiques apportent enfin ce qui manquait à Second Life: Un souffle de vie dans ce monde pixellisé plat, une dimension supplémentaire… Pour la rapidité de téléchargement des textures, cela veut dire la fin de ces lags tout gris dans les mondes les plus jolis, cette attente interminable devant un monde qui se contruit au ralenti devant nos yeux…
Kristenlee, que j’invite dans ses lignes, à me faire comprendre comment faire fonctionner son “viewer” tant vanté ou au fait que je n’ai pour l’instant pas encore testé “snowglobe”, ma foi je suis juste heureux qu’enfin les choses avancent devant la montée des énormes successeurs de Second Life, comme Blue Mars. je veux juste que mon monde préféré ne meure pas et pour cela il faudra sans cesse avancer au risque de tomber dans l’oubli…
L’aspect de la chose est très rébarbative, et je ne vous ferais pas subir ma fièvre geek à ce niveau, mais sachez simplement que dans quelques années voire même quelques mois, et même si cette rubrique vous ennuie, Second Life s’adaptera ou mourra… En tout les cas, j’aime beaucoup ce que ces bonnes âmes nous prépare.
Comme dirait un de mes bons amis: “It’s sucks but you gonna love it”:))
BRUXELLES – Con due settimane di anticipo rispetto alle istituzioni sanitarie nazionali Google sarà in grado di dire dove e quando esploderà l’influenza stagionale: dopo gli Usa, anche in Europa arriva Google Flu, il servizio che monitora lo sviluppo di tosse e raffreddore guardando alle ricerche fatte su Internet dai cittadini europei.
Il concetto è semplice: gli utenti della rete che avvertono i primi sintomi dell’influenza, non vanno dal medico ma come prima cosa cercano i loro sintomi sul web. Dal miliardo circa di ricerche che ogni giorno vengono fatte su Google, gli ingegneri di Mountain View hanno pensato di trarre vantaggio: saranno gli utenti della rete a dire, con le loro ricerche, dove e con che intensità si stanno sviluppando le influenze nei diversi Paesi.
Google Flu vuole essere d’aiuto alle autorità sanitarie, che difficilmente riescono a fare previsioni con tanto anticipo e a monitorare il territorio in modo così capillare. Per ora, oltre che negli Usa, è attivo in Austria, Belgio, Francia, Germania, Ungheria, Olanda, Polonia, Spagna e Svezia. Ma per gli altri Paesi, tra cui l’Italia, gli ingegneri sono già al lavoro per calibrare il modello scientifico in base alle diverse lingue. Google Flu è disponibile all’indirizzo
If you’re like us, you’re probably thinking a lot about how this year’s flu season might affect you and your community. To help you out, we at are excited to announce the expansion of Google Flu Trends to 16 additional countries, including much of Europe. We’ve also made the site available in 37 languages. Flu is a global threat, affecting millions worldwide each year, so we’re pleased to make this tool available in more regions and languages.
Last November, we launched Google Flu Trends in the United States…
Poetry, virtual gallery from Francesco Petrarca and Laura de Noves – and other poetry for your gentile, my friend. Owner of the Club of Petrarca – Dage Yven (as Dage d’Savoya). Anno Domini 2009.
Imagine there’s no heaven It’s easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today…
Imagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace…
You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world…
You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will live as one
Testo della canzone (traduzione italiana)
Immagina non ci sia il Paradiso prova, è facile Nessun inferno sotto i piedi Sopra di noi solo il Cielo Immagina che la gente viva al presente…
Immagina non ci siano paesi non è difficile Niente per cui uccidere e morire e nessuna religione Immagina che tutti vivano la loro vita in pace…
Puoi dire che sono un sognatore ma non sono il solo Spero che ti unirai anche tu un giorno e che il mondo diventi uno
Immagina un mondo senza possessi mi chiedo se ci riesci senza necessità di avidità o fame La fratellanza tra gli uomini Immagina tutta le gente condividere il mondo intero…
Puoi dire che sono un sognatore ma non sono il solo Spero che ti unirai anche tu un giorno e che il mondo diventi uno
There are children standing here, Arms outstretched into the sky, Tears drying on their face. He has been here. Brothers lie in shallow graves. Fathers lost without a trace. A nation blind to their disgrace, Since he’s been here.
And I see no bravery, No bravery in your eyes anymore. Only sadness.
Houses burnt beyond repair. The smell of death is in the air. A woman weeping in despair says, He has been here. Tracer lighting up the sky. It’s another families‚ turn to die. A child afraid to even cry out says, He has been here.
And I see no bravery, No bravery in your eyes anymore. Only sadness.
There are children standing here, Arms outstretched into the sky, But no one asks the question why, He has been here. Old men kneel and accept their fate. Wives and daughters cut and raped. A generation drenched in hate. Yes, he has been here.
And I see no bravery, No bravery in your eyes anymore. Only sadness.
Ci sono bambini che stanno qui, braccia tese al cielo. Si asciugano le lacrime sulla loro facce. Lui è stato qui. I fratelli giaciono in tombe poco profonde. Padri persi senza alcuna traccia. Una nazione ceca alle loro disgrazie Da quando lui è stato qui.
E non vedo nessun coraggio. Nessun coraggio nei tuoi occhi ancora. Solo tristezza.
Case bruciate oltre i ripari. L’odore della morte nell’aria. Una donna piangente in disperazione dice, Lui è stato qui. Tracce che risplendono nel cielo. Altre famiglie, dovranno morire. Un bambino impaurito che piange fuori dice, Lui è stato qui.
E non vedo nessun coraggio. Nessun coraggio nei tuoi occhi ancora. Solo tristezza.
Ci sono bambini che stanno qui, braccia tese al cielo, Ma nessuno si chiede perchè, Lui è stato qui. Vecchi uomini s’inginocchiano e accettano il loro destino. Mogli e figli tagliati e stuprati. Una generazione inzuppata nell’odio. Si, lui è stato qui.
E non vedo nessun coraggio. Nessun coraggio nei tuoi occhi ancora. Solo tristezza.
Second Life vive anche in Agosto, anche quando tutti sono in ferie
Basta vedere ogni sera, senza contare i week-end, quante persone sono collegate a Second Life, ed ai Social Network.
Solitudine, angosce del vivere quotidiano, timori per il futuro, malattie, disabilità, e anche forse un modo, come si diceva qualche anno va di fare vacanze intelligenti … fatto sta che
noi ci saremo, per parlare sia con i non italiofoni presenti in SL, per i quali non esiste il Ferragosto, sia per restare in ascolto di chi, italiano, è presente ed ha voglia di comunicare con altri, o di raccontare qualche sua storia, a due, a tre, a piccoli o grandi gruppi, come verrà, sera dopo sera. Tutte le sere (il sottoscritto non garantisce per qualche gita fuori porta, ma farà il possibile per esserci, anche per vedere, ed a volte in pochi si decide meglio e più rapidamente, come avviare, finalmente, un gruppo di reciproco ascolto e aiuto in lingua italiana, in Second Life.
IL gruppo esiste già, sia chiama Centro Mimir: chi lo desidera puo’ iscriversi in qualunque momento.
Riprendo la mia vecchia abitudine di restare, quando sono online, a Seoraksan, in cielo, a 1000m, alCaffè Freud.
Ho invitato in quella sim altri “Artisti della Memoria“, oltre che per il prezioso contributo che danno a contrassegnare la sim come dedicata aPsicologia, Arte, Comunicazione, anche per non lasciare inutilizzati spazi e prim che non avrei comunque utilizzato,
per “restare in ascolto” di eventuali persone che abbiano piacere di conversare con me.
Proseguono gli incontri internazionali alCaffè Freud, in lingua inglese, senza voice
e se e quando sarà possibile, salvaguardando la privacy dei partecipanti. iniziaranno quelli in lingua italiana
alCentro Mimira Seoraksan, non in altre land più “urlate”
In lingua italiana, per ora, proseguiamo qui su Facebook, e in Second Life dalle 17 alle 18, e tutte le volte che lo si desidera. Il Pub è sempre aperto!
(scusate se spesso declino l’invito a spostarmi altrove, ma per me il “senso” di entrare in Second Life e starci un certo tempo è questo. Accetto volentieri inviti e lM da parte di singole persone, per conoscere meglio aspetti nascosti di SL ed i gusti, il modo di vivere quel metaverso, non sempre invece sono disponibile per partecipare ad altri eventi, in particolare ai Vernissage Mi intimidiscono e mi danno spesso l’impressione di recarmi lì solo per “presenziare” o per “fare numero”)
Incontri di reciproco aiuto, non conferenze o talk show (ad esempio sull’Amore…. che dovrei dire, che nel campo sono una FRANA totale?), conversazioni alla pari tra persone che hanno piacere di raccontarsi in modo informale, anche senza voice, telecamere, setting da reality ecc.)
Ora si riparte!
Gli Incontri in lingua inglese si tengono al Caffè Freud ogni domenica alle ore 18 (09:00 am SLT)
My usual way to stay in Second Life, in my sim, in the Sky, 1000m, atCaffè Freud
I invited other “Artisti della Memoria“, sharing with them unused spaces and prims, for anArt, Psychology, Communicationsim
My best way to live SL is “stay and listen to” people that would like to talk with me.
Will continue our Sunday, international meetings atCaffè Freud, in English language, without voice
and, if and when it will be possible,in Italian languagetoo, atCentro Mimir, Seoraksan, non conferences or “talk shows”, also without voice, and without cams and a Reality Show setting.
Meetings for mutual help, conversations. peer to peer, with people that like telling each other stories of their first, second life, in an informal way.
Welcome to this spiritual academy of learning and a social network and infohub to connect like minds and consciousness
We run regular courses, discussions, host music and live events and have a huge library of books and a dedicated shopping area. There are a number of areas for exploration, quite meditation and reflection. We also have a meditation chamber and a consultation zone where you can get readings from a qualified member of staff.
This is the largest spiritual group in SL with over 1400 Members. Please feel welcome to join this group.
Look at our calendar in the lobby to see this weeks events. Join the group to get updates as they happen.
If you wish to work here fill out the application form and send it to Dragon Shichiroji General Info of getting around.
Of course you can walk around our entire sim, the whole area is open for exploration. To teleport around we used a ground based teleporter which can be found in all the main areas.
Lounge/Calendar – The lounge is the main hub of our social network. Here is where we gather, meet, greet, and discuss various aspects of our individual lives and paths. Casual classes are held here. As well our calendar is on the wall. The calendar contains the classes for approx. a week. Clicking on one of the posted classes will get you a notecard with a brief outline, date, time, and the name of the facilitator for the class.
Classroom – The rooms in which facilitators teach. We are audio and video enabled so facilitators may use these to enhance class material. There is plenty of seating. We work on a not for profit basis so please do not forget to tip either the academy or the teacher.
Sanctuary Please use the teleporter to access the beautiful and peaceful area for advanced classes or reflection
TheClub – the hub of our entertainment. Djs, live music, dancing, fun fun fun!
Library- The Library contains transcripts and notecards with information about a variety of subjects. They are broken down into sections: Traditions, Energy Work, and Misc.
Consultations Area – Our consultants are on the staffboard Touch for more information. Personal readings such as tarot, personality typing and astrology are available. Contact Rian Hirvi for more information. Any payment is between you and the reader.
Shop – The shop contains many items made by members of the mystic academy and some that are not. There is a wide variety of clothing available including men’s and women’s. You can also purchase our wonderful meditations with voice by Jane Atkey. The shop also contains some free items for those in need of clothing.
This is a Gift of Love for the current His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, past Dalai Lamas, future Dalai Lamas, the Tibetan People and all interested in Tibetan/Buddhist culture and the world/universe we live in.
Potala Palace SL Petals Unfolding like a Lotus
Dalai Lama Tibet Projects SecondLife, Building Potala Palace in a Virtual World started in November 2007 during a period of virtual imaging meditation. An image of the Potala appeared in mind, shortly after – smoke and flames around the Potala rose up. A Vision unfolding the future now. The realization of this vision was the seed planted in secondlife to build the potala palace of Tibet and to make it a Gift of Love to His Holiness the Dala Lama and the Tibetan people for preserving this heart image of Tibet and Tibetan culture in everyday virtual life and real life. Potala is the Heart Pulse of Tibet, home of all the Dalai Lamas and one of the most important spiritual treasures for Humanity.
May all the Dalai Lamas Past, Present and Future, guide us each and all with WisdomLove. Compassion and Loving Kindness is the Cause of Peace. Be Diligent, Be Clear, Be Simple, Be Direct – Peace is within, the light of Truth still shines there. Within we are always Free.
Om Mani Pade Me Hum
Interview 1 : with Shawn Mortlock (SL) Builder for White Palace
Dalai Lama Tibet Projects is a Virtual World support group for building and perserving the history of the Tibetan Potala Palace within SecondLife.Com, which was started in November 2007.
It is a Gift of Love for the Past Dalai Lamas, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, future Dalai Lamas, the Tibetan People and all interested in Tibetan/Buddhsit culture and the world/universe we live in.
Dalai Lama Tibet Projects also called DLTP or DLTPSecondLife idmaking available here photos of the Potala Palace building works going on in the 3 D World of SecondLife.Com to share with the international community and request to help the project.
May all the Dalai Lama’s Past , Present and Future guide us all with Wisdom/Love, Compassion and LovingKindness
Hannya shingyo (Sutra del Cuore) & Gongyo Daimoku (Skybox)
Meditation Self Help Buddhism Meditazione Auto Aiuto Buddhismo Dalai Lama Heart of Wisdom Sutra Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo Sutra del Cuore Nam MyoHo Renge Kyo Lotus Sutra. By Centro Mimir
This is a private cultural center where the members SGI of the whole world can be met for the study and the diffusion of the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin and the peace in the World. Every person, Buddhist or no, it’s welcome.
Hannya shingyo (Sutra del Cuore) & Gongyo Daimoku (Skybox)
Meditation Self Help Buddhism Meditazione Auto Aiuto Buddhismo Dalai Lama Heart of Wisdom Sutra Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo Sutra del Cuore Nam MyoHo Renge Kyo Lotus Sutra. By Centro Mimir
Welcome to the “Rise to Power” Exhibit brought to you by ::CMC:: Designs! This exhibit is named for the five
part series “Rise to Power” which lines the left hand side of the exhibit. But as you look around you may think,
“why in the world are these other pieces here? They don’t go together at all!” This seemingly discordant collection
of sculptures all have one thing in common…. POWER. Each section of this notecard explains the pieces and how
they fit in this exhibit
Section 1: The Rise to Power Series The “Rise to Power” series tells a story similar to those in fantasy novels… the rise of a lowly wanderer to
a power he never wanted being bestowed upon him. In the first piece, “Wanderer” our hero walks a lonely path
relatively content in his place in life, but deep down wanting more. In “The Discovery” he comes upon a strange
glowing orb, and, intrigued he kneels to inspect it. In “Curiosity” he picks up the glowing orb, his curiosity
overpowering a slight fear of this strange thing. In “The Chosen One” the orb proves to be more than he ever
expected, a source of strength that chooses HIM as the one worthy enough to wield its power. And, finally, “Into
Battle” we see our hero, the once humble wanderer wielding a power greater than he ever imagined as he runs into
battle to protect his loved ones from the advance of dark forces.
Section 2: The Dark Predator “The Dark Predator” is my attempt to depict a dragon in a different way from the others I have seen in SL.
Often sculptors build dragons in an over simplified way for the sake of keeping it low in prims. I’m taking a risk
here… This piece is rather prim heavy, but I have given it more detail than I have seen in almost any other
dragon statue in SL. He has muscle definition, and he has something others do not… TENSION. He isn’t just sitting
on a pedestal, he’s moving toward you, stalking you, ready to attack! He is the very essence of the power of the
dragon myth.
Section 3: Golgotha “Golgotha” meaning ‘the place of the skull’ is the name of the hill on which Jesus of Nazareth was said to have
been crucified. This piece is not your typical sculpture that you would find on a standard crucifix. This is not
Christ after he has given up his soul and died on the cross. He still writhes, and screams in pain and despair to
the heavens. This piece depicts power on many levels, on one level it has a powerful emotional impact, on another
it depicts a power recognized by Christians worldwide… the power of Christ, of self sacrifice, and of God’s love.
In this piece I am not asking you to believe in anything… I am simply showing you a power in which SOME believe.
Section 4: Piéta The “Piéta” based upon the famous sculpture by Michelangelo is the follow up piece to “Golgotha.” The
aftermath, for lack of a better word, of the crucifixion, this piece is meant to depict a different kind of power
in my eyes, than most people might think. It shows the power of grief and despair.
Section 5: Samson “Samson” is a depiction of the biblical figure, as he collapses the temple down around the Philistines. This
piece, like Golgotha, is not meant as a religious piece per se. This piece shows the power of an incredible
physical strength, and of determination in the face of one’s own demise. For those who have and will ask, this piece was inspired by the piece by starax of the same title. This is not
an attempt to copy his work, but rather remake it in my own way. starax’s “Samson” had a feeling of desperation and
weakness to it, which didn’t ring true to MY interpretation of the story, so I tried to sculpt it in a way that
infused it with strength and determination. From what I’ve heard, I was successful. My thanks go out to starax,
wherever he may be for the inspiration for this piece.
Section 6: Zakzakiel “Zakzakiel” is not a made up name. It is the name of an angel of the 7th heaven who records good deeds. In this
piece I tried to depict a divine and majestic quality, by sculpting him with wings outstrectched, hovering, quietly
watchful. It is a sculpture of the power of divinity.
Section 7: God I honestly cannot wait to hear the reactions to this piece. It seems so out of place among the others at first.
And I know that people, seeing it after the rest of the pieces, and reading it’s title will assume one thing. “This
of course is a sculpture of the Virgin Mary!” I’m sorry to dissappoint you, ladies and gentlemen, but it isn’t.
This is just a sculpture of a loving new mother, cradling her infant. “But… then why is it called ‘God’?” you
ask. This piece was inspired by a line from the movie The Crow, with Brandon Lee. In this movie he says a line that
has stayed with me since the first time I saw the movie… “‘Mother’ is the name of God on the lips of all
children.” So, this piece isn’t so much about the mother, but what the child sees in its mother, the power of a
mother’s love.
It is my hope that you enjoyed this show and found in each piece a kind of power, whether it was what I intended,
or something of your own interpretation!
• All pieces are for sale and are all copy/no mod/no trans. • For a trans copy IM me directly or send me a notecard and I will give you a no copy/no mod/trans version for the marked price plus L$100 • I’m sorry but I will not sell a modable version of any piece, but if you want small changes made to
the piece (like resizing it) that do not effect the integrity of the piece (like replacing a sword with a
sandwhich), I’d be willing to do it for a small fee.
My thanks go out to the people who made this show possible. My wife, my muse and my constant encouragement, Shaar
Ashbourne. Baby girl you give me a reason to be here and you constantly give me faith in myself when I have none.
Finn Zeddmore of Beehive Islands for your friendship, your support, and the rediculous prim counts I ask you to
grant me. Azadine Umarov of Diné Gallery and Godric’s Hollow for taking a chance on an artist who IMed you clear
out of the blue and giving him a space and more than he ever expected out of a gallery curator. DJ Lilith Parkin
for DJing my openings and breaking the light jazz stereotype of an art opening and giving me and the people who
come to my shows something to rock to. RAFTWET Jewell for guiding me toward this point in my SL art carreer, you
showed me a path I had not seen, and gave me so many tools and so much support to bring me here. And to all the
friends, acquaintances, and patrons who have supported me and followed my work. Thank you all from the bottom of my
“Show Me the Green” is an environmental expo on the roof of the SL Museum of the African American Experience. 3 dozen SL environmental groups and concerned businesses from the African American community display their green wares and Earth saving projects. – From the award-winning documentary, “Playing For Change: Peace Through Music”, comes the first of many “songs around the world” being released independently. Featured is a cover of the Ben E. King classic by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it travelled the globe.
Order the CD/DVD Playing For Change “Songs Around The World” now at!
The Playing For Change “Songs Around The World” CD/DVD is now available at your neighborhood Starbucks and everywhere music is sold.
Order the “Stand By Me,” “Don’t Worry,” “One Love,” and “War/No More Trouble” videos and the new Songs Around The World album now at itunes!
Sign up at for updates and exclusive content. You can also buy cool stuff in our new online store!